Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing
in Still Portrait Photos

Wenpeng Xiao1 Wentao Liu1 Yitong Wang1 Bernard Ghanem2 Bing Li2
1ByteDance Inc 2King Abdullah University of Science and Tech
{, liuwentao.canno},, {Bernard.Ghanem,}

[Paper]     [Supplementary]    


We propose a novel approach to animate human hair in a still portrait photo. Existing work has largely studied the animation of fluid elements such as water and fire. However, hair animation for a real image remains underexplored, which is a challenging problem, due to the high complexity of hair structure and dynamics. Considering the complexity of hair structure, we innovatively treat hair wisp extraction as an instance segmentation problem, where a hair wisp is referred to as an instance. With advanced instance segmentation networks, our method extracts meaningful and natural hair wisps. Furthermore, we propose a wisp-aware animation module that animates hair wisps with pleasing motions without noticeable artifacts.

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Our framework consists of three steps, as shown in the following figure. First, we propose an Instance-based Hair Wisp Extraction (IHWE) which automatically extracts hair units named hair wisps that are locally grouped and would move consistently in a generated video, without relying on complex hair capture systems or user assistance. Second, we propose a hair wisp animation module to animate hair wisps by predicting the spatiotemporal evolution of a hair wisp. Third, with the animated hair wisps, we generate an animated video by fusing animated hair wisps.

Quantitative Comparisons

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Qualitative comparisons of our approach with single-image-to-video generation methods.

Qualitative Comparison results of our approach with recent video prediction method, GAN-based method, and diffusion-model-based method.

Qualitative comparisons of our approach with methods for video generation.

Quantitative Ablations

Click to Play the Animations!

Effect of hair wisp extraction.

The contributions of our instance-based hair wisp extraction module.

Visual comparison of the contributions of hair wisp animation module.

Extension Applications


  title={Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing in Still Portrait Photos},
  author={Wenpeng Xiao and Wentao Liu and Yitong Wang and Bernard Ghanem and Bing Li},

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